
Contextualising-Integrating-Planning’ is responsible for building a shared understanding of nature-based solutons. The aim is to review global data and information to understand the principles and key components for implementing nature-based solutions and their effectiveness at solving the challenges faced at both local and global scales.


Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, The University of Sheffield, Sveriges Lantbruks Universitet, Università degli Studi di Firenze, Camara Municipal de Lisboa, Instituto de Ciencias Sociais, Technische Universität München, Wageningen University, Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Gobierno Regional Metropolitano de Santiago, Municipalidad de General San Martin, Comune di Torino



  1. Contextualise: to identify and review nature-based solutions principles, definitions, topics, components and outcomes, at local and global scales, understanding nature-based solutions cases and their effectiveness in solving problems and creating opportunities.

  2. Integrate: to assemble the nature-based solutions case studies portfolio by analysing top-down and bottom-up nature-based solutions planning processes within and across multiple sector/ governance levels, considering local place, space, time and actors.

  3. Plan: using NBT to envision the difference an integrated approach to nature-based solutions can make to CONEXUS cities, identifying key trends and options.

The review of global data and information will inform the production of a series of case studies to share knowledge on nature-based solutions. ‘Terms of reference’ and preparatory plans will then be developed for the pilot projects of the seven Life-Labs.

The lessons learnt from the seven Life-Labs, together with those from cities elsewhere, will form a series of detailed case studies that identify key strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for integrating nature-based solutions. An analysis of the challenges and different responses at different scales will be carried out to inform a tree of solutions that avoid identified pitfalls and to assess risks of failure. The results will be used as a baseline from which changes will be modelled to identify current and future opportunities and threats to nature-based solutions provision in partner cities. It will explore nature-based solution-based theories of change and intervention logics that have been applied in different cities (often referred to as ex-ante investment planning).

Conexus Key Learning Factsheet Series

Supporting Nature-based Solutions via Nature-Based Thinking

In response to critiques of Nature-based Solutions (NbS), we propose a holistic and systemic approach: Nature-Based Thinking (NBT). NBT emphasizes the inspiration from nature to foster sustainable urban development and conceives nature to be intertwined with people. NBT will engage local actors, generate novel governance approaches, and promote long-term thinking, according to nature’s own cycles

The Nature Future Workshops

The Nature Futures Workshops (NFW) were an opportunity to think as creatively as possible about the desired futures for nature in our Conexus’ cities in 2050. This factsheet presents an overview of the methods used to explore these futures. Discussions in the workshops generated a series of present concerns, future hopes, and pathways towards the futures we desire.


Engaging: Growing-Extending-Marketing


Restoring: demonstrating placed based NBS